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Analyzing Fantasy League Data

Project Type: Passion/ Hobbies

Tools and Programming Language: Python, Anaconda

Background/ Context

In 2018, a friend of mine reached out to me to join a private group/league he had created on Fantasy Premier League. Being a member of the site, I happily obliged. He had also created a WhatsApp group to make participating in the league more exciting. However, we were less than 15 on the group which made for a mostly boring chat.

At the end of the football season, we had a brief chat on getting more members and adding spice to the group. We concluded on designing a flier, organic advertising and adding stats to boost participation. The group members soon ballooned to 40+ and the onus was on me to come up with interesting stats.


Searching around online, I found some great articles on how to access the official (but not publicly available) API for Fantasy Premier League. Adapting the process, I was able to pull the data from the API. Analyzing the data yielded interesting insights which I shared with the "admin" members of the group. Few of the insights included

  1. Most Wasteful Coach

  2. Most Loyal Coach - Captain

  3. Most Loyal Coach - Team

  4. Best Defensive Coach

  5. Best Attacking Coach

  6. Best Midfield Coach

  7. Financial fair Play Coach

  8. Best Coach for the Game Weeks

  9. Best Coach for the Game Months

  10. Super Star Coach

In order to share these insights and generate good natured banter, we had a bit of fan fare/ red carpet event on the WhatsApp group while encouraging the best performances with gifts.

Analyzing Fantasy League Data: Text
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